
Meeting 11

(see a list of Meetings)
Meeting on 18th August 2023 at Pizza East
Present: Francesco, Laura, Alma & John
One White Bit
One White Bit Noun Connection 1018318

Agenda - likely topics of interest/concern/report
  1. MANAGEMENT - our organisational thinking mainly inspired by Francesco plus:
  2. PEOPLE RECRUITMENT - what expertise do we need?
  3. STUDENT RECRUITMENT - who & from where?
    • Difficult without considering the identity of the organisation, its aims & funding model
  4. IDENTITY - What is New School Futures? (a controversial issue)
    • Perhaps it is a think-tank and mothership for subsequent Salamander Universities?
    • Conceptual journey from education - to - learning - to - value creation as primary purpose
  5. WORKSHOPS - when/how can we do some pilots?
  6. ACCREDITATION - do we want to award certificates?
  7. FUNDING - how de-monetised can we be? - (after discussion with Francesco)
  8. POSSIBLE ALLIANCES / AFFILIATIONS - should we join any? (none have yet been approached):
  9. LAUNCHING AS AN ARTWORK - Alma curating a show in Nov. 2023