Abductive reasoning | A creative, often overlooked mode of thinking
Accountability | Arguably, a relatively recent concept (in evolutionary terms)
Alienation | See also consciousness
Allopoiesis | The nature of elaborate designed systems (inanimate and purposive)
Alphabetical writing | See also alienation
Answer-seeking questions | See also question-framing
Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Contentious in a learning context
Attitude angle | See also contagious optimism
Attribution | A useful term for our copyright conditions
Auspicious conversations | A fruitful form of co-creativity
Auspicious reasoning | Defined here in a published paper
Autodidactic | Our extended definition
Autopoiesis | Refers to the circular causality of living systems
Bisociation | See also creativity
Catalysis | Inspiring change without becoming an indispensable agent
Choirs | Often regarded as beneficial to social wellbeing
Climate change denial | A complex web
Clocks | Mechanistic arbiters of human behaviour
Consciousness | See also shamanism
Contagious optimism | Useful within a team context
Context | Our own use of the term
Conviviality | Two definitions are discussed, here.
Cows for Peace | A Rwandan method of synergizing reconciliation
Co-sustainment | A stronger alternative to 'sustainability'
Craic | Irish word corresponding to 'fun', 'for its own sake' or a 'playful teasing'
Creative democracy | Originally defined by John Dewey
Creative duos | A method of co-creating more opportunities
Creative quartets | A method of co-creating more opportunities
Creativity | An important component of effective learning
Curriculum | Reflects managerial aspects of education
Cynicism | (note the capital 'c')
Diversity of diversities | Complexity brings opportunities to synergise value
Dopamine | A neurotransmitter (see also endorphins, oxytocin & seratonin)
Dunbar number | see also organisational consciousness
Dysgu | A Welsh word that refers to both learning and teaching
Element | A term used by Sir Ken Robinson
Emulsifier | Someone able to broker or heal social relationships
Endorphins | A neurotransmitter (see also dopamine, oxytocin & seratonin)
Entredonneurship | A home-made complement to entrepreneurship
Ephemeralization | The principle of doing more with less
Evaluation | Evaluation (compare with measurement
Exceptions | A useful asset in a rigid world of homogeneity and rules
Feedback | See also negative feedback and positive feedback
Guardian | A term coined (in this definition) by Joanna Jones
Handlearning | A highly simplified figure that typifies haptic / somatic learning
Headlearning | A highly simplified figure that typifies rational / logic-oriented learning
Heartlearning | A highly simplified figure that typifies emotionally intelligent learning
Holacracy | When the whole governs the whole
Holistic learning | ...or what we mean by it...
Homeostasis | The dynamic process that maintains living systems
Humourlearning | A highly simplified figure that typifies playful / transgressive learning
Identity | An ecological perspective
Invention paradigm | Re-thinking the genre & mindset of the inventor
Jeong | A Korean word that is hard to translate into English
Knowledge | Where and when, exactly, does it exist?
Languaging | Our name for a (cognitive) working style
Learning ensemble | A mutual learning partnership of more than two
Legacy conservation | see long termism
Levelling in groups | A helpful process when seeking holarchy
Levers for Change | A term coined by Donella Meadows
Long-termism | Our re-calibration of the customary timescale of thinking
Luck | Our definition acknowledges that we may have more agency than we think.
Making meaning | Also see semiosis & semiotics
Measurement | Standard quantification using an arbitrary extrinsic scale
Metadesign | Always needs updating.
Metcalf's Law | See also consciousness and organisational consciousness
Miracles | Making the impossible more thinkable
Money | Perhaps an underrated factor in what is creating the Anthropocene
Network Consciousness 1 & 2TBC | A useful concept inspired by Marvin Minsky
Negative feedback | See also positive feedback
'No Buts' tool | A simple and amusing challenge
Organisational Consciousness | Our own term (see Consciousness).
Outcome-seeking question | A type of question that invites more than theory.
Oxytocin | A neurotransmitter (see also dopamine, endorphins & seratonin)
Paradigm | Explains how the word evolved since Plato.
Positive feedback | See also feedback
Polyphibian | An imaginary figure devised by Ziva Ljubec
POUT tool | A more affirmative version of the SWOT tool
Practice versus theory | A binary distinction that is unhelpful to learners
Propositional ideas density | A concept applied in creativity, schizophrenia & dementia studies
Proprioception | Bodily self-awareness
Question-framing | Towards a new design grammar
Redamancy | Love that is returned
Relational approach | Some benefits in thinking this way
Relevation | A rarely used term that turns 'relevance' into a verb
Relational mathematics | Designing by focusing on relations, not things
Rigour | Used in the academic context of research and scholarship
Salamander | Why we chose the name as a brand
Search | See also research
SELF | An acronym for 'Self Evaluated Learning Framework'
Self-interest | Differentiating between common alternative meanings
senseness | A term coined by Anette Lundebye
Seratonin | A neurotransmitter (see also dopamine, endorphins & oxytocin)
Serious play | An unbounded purposive method
shamanism | Our deliberately narrow and prosaic definition
Structural coupling | A term used by Maturana & Varela
Sustainability | An unhelpfully elusive term
Sympoiesis | Uses co-creativity as a team bonding process
Synergy - first order | The basic meaning of this ancient term
Synergy - second order | Thinking beyond the summative
Synergy of synergies | Some synergies can be combined to produce a surplus
Tacit knowledge | It explains knowing how, rather than knowing that
Tetrahedron | A 3D form with special properties
Theory versus practice | A binary distinction that is unhelpful to learners
Thermostats | Part of a network of gadgets regulating our lives.
Trim-tab | A term used by Richard Buckminster Fuller
Ubuntu | An African word describing allegiances and relations.
Wicked problems | A term used to describe complex, capricious situations.
Wisdom | An unpopular word (redefined for 21st century learners).
Wu wei | The taoist notion of knowing how/when to act |