
Diversity of diversities

(see synergy and other keywords)
One White Bit
One White Bit Noun Symbiosis 2369124

  1. The word diversity has numerous meanings in fields such as politics, science, business.
  2. Notable, in biology the word diversity refers to the variety of life forms within an ecosystem.
  3. It also applies to crop diversity in agriculture, ecosystemic diversity and genetic diversity.
  4. We use the term diversity of diversities to remind ourselves that we can apply it to anything.
  5. Without these diversities we would not have the means to create synergies.

One White Bit
One White Bit Noun Biodiversity 5255195

  • In the last few thousand years we learned to live by managerial codes and industrial standards.
  • Imperial accountancy, alphabetical writing & clocks led to a flatland of facts, nouns & numbers.
  • As a consequence we normalised the practice of summarising learning as percentages & grades.
  • But the resilience and adaptability of living systems did not come about through standardisation.
  • Indeed, over the last 3.5 billion years, the Earth flourished through the diversification of life forms.
