
Relevant Terms

One White Bit (some neologisms and eccentric definitions)
One White Bit Noun Message 232472
One White Bit Noun Confused 1805349

Abductive reasoningA creative, often overlooked mode of thinking
AccountabilityWe differentiate it from responsibility
AffordancesA useful term for challenging the teleological mindframe
AlienationSee also consciousness & Organisational Consciousness
AllopoiesisThe nature of elaborate designed systems (inanimate and purposive)
ApoptosisNature's way of eliminating unwanted habits
Alphabetical writingSee also alienation
Answer-seeking questionsSee also question-framing
Artificial Intelligence (AI)Contentious in a learning context
Attitude angleSee also contagious optimism
AttributionA useful term for our copyright conditions
Auspicious conversationsA fruitful form of co-creativity
Auspicious reasoningSee also inauspicious reasoning
AutodidacticOur extended definition
AutopoiesisSee apoptosis the circular causality of living systems
BisociationSee also creativity
Bottom-up systemsSee also top-down systems
BusinessSome questions and thoughts
CareSome thoughts on the verb 'to care'
CatalysisInspiring change without becoming an indispensable agent
ChoirsOften regarded as beneficial to social wellbeing
Climate change denialA complex web
ClocksMechanistic arbiters of human behaviour
ComprehensiveInspired by Fuller's idea of a Comprehensive Anticipatory Design Science
Confirmation biasMay impede us from changing our mind
ConsciousnessSee also Micro-consciousness, Organisational Consciousness & shamanism
ContextOur own use of the term
ConvivialityTwo definitions are discussed, here.
CourageDefined to help us to behave more ethically
Cows for PeaceA Rwandan method of synergizing reconciliation
Co-sustainmentA stronger alternative to 'sustainability'
CraicIrish word corresponding to 'fun', 'for its own sake' or a 'playful teasing'
CraftSome systemic notes
Creative democracyOriginally defined by John Dewey
Creative duosA method of co-creating more opportunities
Creative quartetsA method of co-creating more opportunities
CreativityAn important component of effective learning
CurriculumReflects managerial aspects of education
Cynicism(note the capital 'c')
Daseinsee consciousness, micro-consciousness & organisational Consciousness
DesignOne method humans use to shape their environment
Diversity of diversitiesComplexity brings opportunities to synergise value
DopamineA neurotransmitter (see also endorphins, oxytocin & seratonin)
Dunbar numbersee also consciousness and organisational consciousness
DysguA Welsh word that refers to both learning and teaching
ElementA term used by Sir Ken Robinson
EmulsifierSomeone able to broker or heal social relationships
EndorphinsA neurotransmitter (see also dopamine, oxytocin & seratonin)
EntredonneurshipA home-made complement to entrepreneurship
EphemeralizationThe principle of doing more with less
EvaluationEvaluation (compare with measurement
ExceptionsA useful asset in a rigid world of homogeneity and rules
FashionSeveral meanings of this word
Fashion DNAA brief overview of fashion's history and significance
FeedbackSee also negative feedback and positive feedback
GuardianA term coined (in this definition) by Joanna Jones
HandlearningA highly simplified figure that typifies haptic / somatic learning
HeadlearningA highly simplified figure that typifies rational / logic-oriented learning
HeartlearningA highly simplified figure that typifies emotionally intelligent learning
HolacracyWhen the whole governs the whole
Holistic learning...or what we mean by it...
HomeostasisThe dynamic process that maintains living systems
HumourlearningA highly simplified figure that typifies playful / transgressive learning
Ichi go ichi eSee also miracles
IdentityAn ecological perspective
Invention paradigmRe-thinking the genre & mindset of the inventor
JeongA Korean word that is hard to translate into English
KnowledgeWhere and when, exactly, does it exist?
LanguagingOur name for a (cognitive) working style
Learningsee also dysgu and wominjeka-djeembana
Learning ensembleA mutual learning partnership of more than two
Legacy conservationsee long termism
Levelling in groupsA helpful process when seeking holarchy
Levers for ChangeA term coined by Donella Meadows
Long legacyExtending the customary timescale of designing
LuckOur definition acknowledges that we may have more agency than we think.
MeasurementStandard quantification using an arbitrary extrinsic scale
MetadesignAlways needs updating.
Metcalf's LawSee also consciousness and organisational consciousness and micro-consciousness
Micro-consciousnessSee consciousness and organisational consciousness
Micro-paradigmThe salient elements of a paradigm
MiraclesMaking the impossible more thinkable
MoneyPerhaps an underrated factor in what is creating the Anthropocene
Network Consciousness 1 & 2TBCA useful concept inspired by Marvin Minsky
MurmurersInviting citizens to gather local feelings into larger trends
Negative feedbackSee also positive feedback
'No Buts' toolA simple and amusing challenge
NondominiumA term invented by Chris Cook of Island Power
Organisational ConsciousnessOur own term (see Consciousness).
Opportunity KillersNot really 'OK' (see feedback & Miracles
Opportunity-seeking questionsA pragmatic form of languaging
OptimismUseful within a team context
Outcome-seeking questionA type of question that invites more than theory.
OxytocinA neurotransmitter (see also dopamine, endorphins & seratonin)
ParadigmExplains how the word evolved since Plato.
Pessimismsee also optimism
Positive feedbackSee also feedback
PolyphibianAn imaginary figure devised by Ziva Ljubec
POUT toolA more affirmative version of the SWOT tool
Practice versus theoryA binary distinction that is unhelpful to learners
Pre-purposeA way to acknowledge embodied agency
PrideA word with several meanings (see also shame)
ProfitA byproduct of money
Propositional ideas densityA concept applied in creativity, schizophrenia & dementia studies
ProprioceptionBodily self-awareness
Question-framingTowards a new design grammar
RedamancyLove that is returned
Relational approachSome benefits in thinking this way
RelevationA rarely used term that turns 'relevance' into a verb
Relational mathematicsDesigning by focusing on relations, not things
Requisite VarietyA fundamental concept in systems theory
ResponsibilityWe differentiate it from accountability
RigourUsed in the academic context of research and scholarship
SalamanderWhy we chose the name as a brand
SearchSee also research
SELFAn acronym for 'Self Evaluated Learning Framework'
Self-interestDifferentiating between common alternative meanings
SemiosisAlso see semiotics
sensenessA term coined by Anette Lundebye
SeratoninA neurotransmitter (see also dopamine, endorphins & oxytocin)
Serious playAn unbounded purposive method
shamanismOur deliberately narrow and prosaic definition
Structural couplingA term used by Maturana & Varela
SustainabilityAn unhelpfully elusive term
SympoiesisUses co-creativity as a team bonding process
Synergy - first orderThe basic meaning of this ancient term
Synergy - second orderThinking beyond the summative
Synergy of synergiesSome synergies can be combined to produce a surplus
Tacit knowledgeIt explains knowing how, rather than knowing that
Teleologysee also clocks, long-termism
TetrahedronA 3D form with special properties
Theory versus practiceA binary distinction that is unhelpful to learners
ThermostatsPart of a network of gadgets regulating our lives.
Trend followingSee also Murmurers
Trend-settingAn aspect of leadership
Trim-tabA term used by Richard Buckminster Fuller
UbuntuAn African word describing allegiances and relations.
Wicked problemsA term used to describe complex, capricious situations.
WisdomAn unpopular word (redefined for 21st century learners).
Wu weiThe taoist notion of knowing how/when to act

Bucky Fuller's KeywordsPart of Paul Taylor's MAP website