
Theory v. Practice

One White Bit See our glossary of other key terms
One White Bit Noun Reading 1355190 One White Bit One White Bit Noun Making Mochi 250822

Theory and Practice as binary opposites

  • People sometimes polarise 'theory' and 'practice', or exaggerate their differences.
  • Sometimes these clichés are derogatory:
    • e.g. that manual workers are less intelligent than managers
    • e.g. that theorists are practically inept or dissociated from 'reality'
  • The physicist David Bohm refuted the distinction between thought and 'action' as an artificial construct.
  • Brain research confirms that both categories can be shown as events in the mind-body.

One White Bit Theorist paradigm

One White Bit Noun Steve Jobs 36994
One White Bit intellectually astute, academically 'clever', detached, armchair dreamer

One White Bit Practitioner paradigm

One White Bit Noun Business Woman 5538992
One White Bit hands-on, useful, ready-to-be helpful realist

  • Perhaps it reflects older (social or historical) binary distinctions:
    • e.g. owners and slaves
    • e.g. masters and servants
    • e.g. managers and workers
  • This might explain the association between 'practice' (e.g. physical, or manual labour) and 'theory' (e.g. sedentary processes of reflection or thought).
  • There is a further confusion, echoed in a similar conflict between 'reading/writing' and 'doing/making'.
  • This reflects the lack of descriptors for doing, or making things in a thoughtful way.
  • Polarising differences is unhelpful so we need to move beyond these simplistic concepts.
  • Here is a quadrant that adds the (second) dimension of writing versus making:

Being alive = brain + body

One White Bit
One White Bit Theory Practice Quadrant

One White Bit A quadrant linking theory to practice
  • A slightly more balanced interpretation of these observations is that the differences can be complementary:
  • Human actions are always facilitated by some level of rapport between mind and body
  • Designers owe more to the Crafts Guilds idea of 'knowing' as an outcome-oriented process, rather than with the monastic, truth-based idea of knowing, from which modern 'research' methodology evolved.
  • Rather than polarising 'practice' and 'theory' we might differentiate between the quest for 'knowledge-as-primary-outcome' and the quest for 'utilities-as-primary-outcome'.
  • Seen from a systemic perspective, 'practice' might be characterised less by 'hands-on' activities and more by the sum of relations and agreed meanings that spread through the whole team.