

(See other key words)
Noun Eating 231871

Independent learning

  • This term usually means self-education, self-learning or self-teaching (see autodidacticism in WikiWand)
  • education without the guidance of masters (such as teachers and professors) or institutions (such as schools)
  • We see it as a self-conscious set of competences that enhance one's independence.
  • Learning would become a natural adjunct to the forming of friendships, alliances and teams. 
  • Learning would become more self-affirming, creative and - whenever possible - useful to others.
    • it means learning in a way that suits the learner.
    • it is likely to mean maintaining a curiosity-driven and playful approach.
    • learners may be required to maintain a record of their learning experiences and progress.
    • they may also need to identify, map and navigate their progress using our SELF framework


  1. to be aware of what they like and what they don't like
  2. to be able to communicate their preferences to others
  3. to care for their bodily needs in an independent and practical way (e.g. food growing & cooking)
  4. to be able to invent, make and mend things (e.g. basic DIY)
  5. to know who they are, and want to be, as individuals
  6. to reconcile this with how their peers might see them
  7. to acquire a basic working sense of their preferred cognitive styles
  8. to transition from short-termist self-interest to a long-sighted altruism
  9. to know how to find others with complementary skills (e.g. different cognitive styles with whom to work)
  10. to become more socially engaged
  11. to become more creative
  12. to become more observant
  13. to become better informed
  14. to become more resourceful
  15. Knowledge would emerge from the natural processes of doing considerate, creative things.