
Keyword - design

See also metadesign and other words in the glossary

The English word

One White Bit Noun Designing 1901753

One White Bit Design

One White Bit has different interpretations in different places across Europe.

Latin word

The word 'design' derives from several Latin words, including designare, a word that means “to mark out.”
One White Bit Noun Construction 6606537 Noun Construction 5976332

Scandinavian word

In Scandinavian cultures, the word 'Formgiving' is used as a translation for 'design'.
One White Bit Noun Kneading 3905056

French word

In France it carries the sense of 'drawing' (i.e. 'dessin').
One White Bit Noun Sketching 6926746

German word

In Germany it implies 'wholeness' ('Gestaltung')
One White Bit Noun Thinking 7025251

Chinese word

In China, a word for generic design (設計) means, in essence, 'set up trick'.
One White Bit Noun Magic 2148261

Hindi word

In Hindi, the word 'Jugaad' is interesting, as it refers to a low-cost form of inventiveness.
One White Bit Noun Mend 6646531

Teleological implications

If we combine these concepts, design can be summarised as an imaginative, creative, critical, and reflexive mode of thought-action that tends to emphasise certain visual and formal aspects of a nominated ‘thing’ or ‘set of things in a given context’ (i.e. such as a particular product, image, landscape, building interior, milieu, printed document, etc.)

  1. Design clarifies and details possible specifications to the nominated ‘thing’, or ‘set of things in a given context’ and/or specifies new actualities for the future.
  2. Charles Eames's definition is simpler: "design is a plan for arranging elements in such a way as best to accomplish a particular purpose”.
  3. Herbert Simon simplified it further by saying that design can be seen as the ability to move from ‘given to preferred situations’. (Herbert Simon, 1969)
  4. Both Simon's and Eames's definitions echo Aristotle's early definition of design as a Final Cause
  5. In reaching this level of instrumentalism, design ceases to seem unique. Zygmunt Bauman says: As concepts, design and management emerged in the 1880s and, as subjects, simply represent alternative approaches to the realisation of an idea (Bauman - Cumulus conference, Warsaw, 2006)
  6. John Chris Jones sought to expand upon these expectations in several of his writings: 'Our new definition of designing as the initiation of change in man-made things implies that there are other objectives that must be achieved before drawings can be completed, or even started. If the object that is drawn is to bring about prescribed changes in the world at large, the designers must be able to predict the ultimate effects of their proposed design as well as specifying the actions that are needed to bring these effects about.' (Jones, J, C, 1970)
  7. Designs customarily take the form of propositional drawings, images, and/or models. Usually, they are also accompanied by, and qualified by, verbal elucidation and/or texts.

Some Limitations of design

The metadesigner Caio Vassão suggests that designers need to curb the demiurgic drive that their practice encourages (Vassão, 2022). Perhaps this impulse stems from Aristotle’s description of design (v. 1.00) as a ‘final cause’. By being able to visualise a desired situation very clearly the designer can make it attainable. This would presumably attract those designers (and their managers) who like to think of themselves as masters of the future. Hypothetically, one might envisage the metadesign maestro as the mad scientist who promises to make democracy great again. In such a model there is tacit fusion between the designer as manager and the manager as designer. But there are logical and operational reasons why this is suboptimal. On the one hand the ancient imperialist invention of teleology makes design appealing to those who want a linear timeline showing the (unique) genius making a transition from a (singular) 'problem' to a (silver bullet) 'solution'. While this sometimes works for re-designing familiar products or services it cannot resolve wicked, or super-wicked problems such as the global climate crisis because some key design changes would need to be co-creative, or at least, consensual to work.

Some Limitations of Eco-design

  • We now have a huge number of alternative approaches under the generic term design.
  • This has fragmented the design profession into disparate dialects, ideologies and approaches.
  • Some - but not all - represent conscious attempts to create a design for sustainability.
  • Perhaps the biggest challenge facing 'eco-designers' is that, traditionally, designers are empowered to work only on specialist aspects of a larger system.


  • An exciting exception to this is ))McDonough(( & Braungart's Cradle-to-Cradle approach.
  • This represents an opportunistic intervention at an economic, managerial and technological level.
  • Potentially, their approach makes the designer responsible for all parts of the transactional cycle.
  • In this sense it can be compared with ecosystem engineering.
  • One limitation of cradle-to-cradle is that it mainly a top-down approach.
  • It often depends heavily upon a few technical experts whose efforts are critical to the success of the whole system.


    • How To Make Design Thinking Deliver on Its Promise of Creating Better Product by Richard Banfield
    • Bauman, Z., 2006. Design, Ethics and Humanism. Cumulus Conference, Warsaw. Nantes, France 5 - 17 June 2006
    • John Chris Jones, c1970. Design Methods. London, Wiley Inter-science, John Wiley and Sons.
    • Paul Taylor's overview of Buckminster Fuller's work
    • Fuller, Buckminster. 1969. Utopia or Oblivion. The Prospects for Humanity. New York: Bantam Books.
    • Fuller, Buckminster. 1981. Critical Path. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
    • Kurzweil, Ray. 2001. The Singularity: A Talk With Ray Kurzweil The Third Culture. The Edge. 2001 March 25. Date accessed 2007 July 20.
    • Merriam-Webster, Inc. 1993. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Tenth edition. Springfield, Massachusetts.
    • Simon, Herbert. 1998. The Sciences of the Artificial. 3rd ed. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.