
The DNA of Fashion

One White Bit (see also fashion, fashion legacy, augmented fashion and other relevant terms)
One White Bit N.B. these incomplete and subjective notes represent work in progress
One White Bit Noun Neolithic Woman 3685370 Noun Caveman 3685379 Noun Arrows 2131504 One White Bit Noun King And Queen 4215306 Noun Arrows 2131504 Noun Fashion 3973609

Today's concept of clothing-oriented fashion helps us to manage our identity.

    • e.g. it can operate as a unifier of collective identity.
    • e.g. it can operate as a signifier of individual status.

However, this brief overview starts and ends with clothing as a necessary protection against climatic conditions. Just as the exodus from Africa to colder regions called for warmer clothing, so today's climate breakdown will necessitate the design of protective clothing that reduces the harm from extreme weather conditions.

70k BCwe wore animal skins & vegetation for migrating to colder climates.
34k BCwe acquired the skills to weave or plait fibres into synthetic textiles.
5.8k BCEarliest discovered game (Mancala) that encourages a theory of mind
500 BCPlato envisions paradigms as perfect exemplars or Supermodels.
500 BCAristotle described design as a causal process (τέλος, télos) for realising aims and desires.
500 BCIn western culture Humanism encouraged Homo sapiens to see itself as exceptional.
One White Bit This gave rise to increasingly presumptuous & solipsistic modes of individualism.
8th c.Ovid's Narcissus character seems more interested in appearance than in feelings.
10th c.Persian horse riders wear galesh partly to signify their elevated status.
1535Henry VIII obliges holders of arable land to cultivate flax or hemp (quarter of an acre for every 60 acres)
1610-1643King Louis XIII introduces red heel & postures signifying deference / superiority.
1637Descartes wonders whether he had merely imagined everyone else.
late 17th c.High heels become adopted in women's fashion.
1689Locke argued that humans were "self-owning individuals" capable of original thoughts.
Early 18th c.Cheaper imports of European flax had put Britain's production into decline.
1710Berkeley includes others in solipsistic theory: "to be is to be perceived (esse est percipi)"
1638-1715Louis XIV's strict fashions (La mode) upheld status-based social hierarchy
One White Bit His rigid codes operated on two levels:
One White Bit a). Styles and standards of clothing manufacture
One White Bit b). Bodily deportment and gesture.
One White Bit n.b. this outside-in logic uses style to engender individual and collective experiences
One White Bit Even then, courtly style also led to performative gestures (c.f. ballet) signifying deference to rank.
1789-1799The French people copied many lifestyle conceits of royal privilege in their republic.
18th c.Popularity of high-heeled shoes grows with both men and women.
1725-1840Jacquard introduces technology to make clothing cheaper and more accessible.
1772–1834Coleridge introduces the idea of the self-conscious individual.
1788–1824Byron develops the performative notion of celebrity and lifestyle.
late 1870sChardonnet produces a synthetic fabric (Chardonnet silk).
1839Robert Cornelius takes the first photographic selfie.
1868Chambre Syndicale de la Couture established.
n.b. haute couture's quality standards made it unaffordable for most people.
1926Laban publishes his theory of Choreutics.
1927Heidegger outlines his definition of Dasein.
1935Stanislavsky publishes his plan of experiencing.
1931 / 1936Wallon / Lacan argues that mirrors encourage an infant's individuation.
1939 Morojo's futuristicostumes created for a Science Fiction Convention.
1934 / 1943Goldstein / Maslow introduce the idea of self-actualization.
1935Dupont produces first commercial synthetic fabric (nylon).
1945Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture makes it a controlled appellation.
1948The first commercial Polaroid camera becomes available.
1959Goffman publishes Presentation of self in Everyday Life.
1961Rogers introduces the psychotherapeutic idea of positive self-regard.
1965David Bohm reintroduces the term relevation.
1971A young copywriter creates the advertising tagline "Because I'm worth it".
1974Maturana, Varela & Uribe create their theory of autopoiesis.
1984Japanese term "cosplay" (コスプレ) coined.
2000Climate change begins to necessitate new types of protective clothing