
Meeting 12

(see a list of Meetings)
Zoom meeting on 7th September 2023
Present: Lara Furniss & John
One White Bit
One White Bit Noun Bureaucracy 1507007 Noun Watering 4905683

Lara's research
  • See the video
  • The ongoing pressure of research assessment in universities.
  • How to make a difference in education and the world, given our limitations and the need for a clear template or framework for others to follow.
  • Could a new type of university apply art and design pedagogy? (e.g. Bauhaus and figures like Maholy Nagy}
  • Perhaps a foundation degree - a starting point for students interested in fields beyond art and design. -
  • A community-based educational model that focuses on:
    • knowledge exchange
    • self-teaching.
  • Could we connect this concept to Lara's previous PhD research and publication?
  • There are empty desk spaces in creative studios that could provide opportunities for young learners and foster interdisciplinary collaborations.
  • We need to shift the focus from traditional education to creative learning, where students take responsibility for shaping their own learning paths.
  • Outcomes could be:
    • for learners to create something of value (e.g. food bank), that exploits the surplus of resources and the need for support in their community.
    • for learners to make the local community more self-sufficient (to counter the lack of effective distribution of resources from the government).
    • Playback
  • Creating micro-local universities in rural areas to provide learning opportunities and support for communities.
  • The idea of brokering creative connections and using legal agreements to facilitate these educational initiatives.


  • Lara lives near to Hereford College of Art which has interesting features.
  • It would make a suitable case study as the town hosts a high number of refugees and does not seem interested in behaving like many of the larger, financially acquisitive universities.
  • Lara aims to explore Hereford College of Art's potential for collaboration and for developing along the STEAM lines outlined in NSF.
  • This would satisfy Lara's requirement for continued research and would match her personal interests and professional aspirations.