
Rethinking the Aid Paradigm

One White Bit (discussion 4)

One White Bit Noun Aspiration 1779443

On 7th February 2024


Sandro Pampallona, (e.g. article) | Paula Bollini (e.g. article) | Felicity Jones | John Wood

Criticisms of current development system
  1. Speakers critiqued how development roles are predefined, limiting synergies between communities, donors, and facilitators.
  2. Siloed thinking prioritizes scale over complementarity.
Reimagining development without predefined roles -
  1. Sandro advocated animating a system with fluid, equitable roles where all contribute varied skills towards shared goals, not predefined problems.
  2. Synergies would emerge organically from communal endeavours.
Facilitation as a systemic process
  1. John discussed facilitation as a catalytic process that transforms paradigms, not a fixed role.
  2. Communities intrinsically facilitate one another; external facilitators reintroduce lost capacities.
  3. Philanthropists as potential partners in reimagining development.
  4. Felicity identified impact-focused philanthropists frustrated by rigid structures who might collaborate on reimagining development as a level playing field of shared interests.

John's notes & afterthoughts

  1. NGOs - Sandro had described the limitations and flaws in NGOs.
  • Nevertheless, in some endeavours it seems essential to operate as a NGO.
    • Sandro & Paula therefore describe their organisation as a 'Microscopic NGO'.
  1. Similarly, the usual focus on funding is often Money