(See JW's Mint article about money and some keywords)
See WikiWand's definition
- Humans are surprisingly inept at counting, but we get very excited by the idea of quantity.
- As sociologist, Georg Simmel, put it, money's essential quality "consists exclusively in its quantity".
- Unfortunately, we are
- poor at counting
- confuse quality with quantity
- fetishise certain numbers
- show bias when managing quantity.
- Nonetheless, “regardless of the amount, the liveliness of attached hopes gives money a glow”. (Simmel, 1900)
Value expressed as indicators of wellbeing
- Dopamine=purpose (ticking off the list)
- Serotonin = relaxation (meditate and stay still)
- Endorphins = exercise (dance)
- Oxytocin = connection to feel (love) chemical