
Permacultures & Currencies

One White Bit (Return to Staying Alive overview see speaker guidelines or more talks)
One White Bit
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One White Bit
One White Bit a St Johns Society event on 29th April 2024

Les Moore

How can local communities develop agency, design and implement solutions, become resilient and more regenerative? This is an important question in an increasingly self-destructive world fuelled by an extractive economic system. Most of us in the wealthy North are educated to look at things through specialist eyes and trained to rely on piecemeal and bureaucratic thinking.

Les Moore, the third speaker has developed a systemic approach, combining three distinct applications. Applied Permaculture Design (to develop nature-based solutions in local situations), Community Currencies (in local communities providing alternative value systems to those based on ‘money’), and Sociocratic Governance (consent based decision-making to ensure equivalence in decision-making). He has previously demonstrated that we can combat climate change by incentivising recycling, developing unused spaces on housing estates as community gardens, and working with schools to develop ‘Green Teams’.

The Speaker

LES MOORE is a trained mediator and managing director of UK social enterprises Common Resource Ltd and East London Food Access Ltd. He holds a Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design and is Chair of the Permaculture Association(Britain), has over 20 years of experience developing community currency programmes, LETSystems and incentive schemes, and a trained facilitator of the Sociocratic Circle Method (Sociocracy).

Previous talks

  1. John Wood
  2. Dorothy Stein